Revolution After Revolution

Everything we do is about keeping our world moving – and our philosophy is no different. We have a commitment to continuously improve, in terms of our products, our people, partners and supply chain, and the benefits we deliver, from safety and reliability to efficiency and cost savings. With every turn of the wheel, we innovate and move forward, revolution after revolution.


We follow the Japanese principle of Kaizen: a business-wide commitment to continuously improve at every level and every function, in every division and department, and in every aspect of our company and our wider group. At the same time, we combine elements of 5S, Six Sigma and Lean process methodologies to give us a robust approach to continuous improvement – ensuring we remain at the leading edge of motion technologies and wheel solutions.


Safety is our paramount concern in the wheel solutions we deliver. People should have the peace of mind that, whatever their vehicle or equipment requires, their wheels will perform safely and reliably – and won’t let them down. We work closely with partners and customers to offer wheel assemblies and solutions that comply with the highest standards of safety and quality, and that are right for each customer’s needs. We operate a comprehensive internal safety policy that safeguards our people in all aspects of our work. And, looking ahead, we’re always seeking to further the cause of safety in any new solutions we devise – such as the WSL Safety Bolt, and other innovations.


In a challenging and competitive supply chain environment, our philosophy is one of collaboration. We’re an agile, personable partner for both customers and suppliers, building long-term relationships that bring them together in order to design, specify and source the right solutions for everyone’s benefit. We also continually invest in our supply chain capabilities, upgrading software and processes to ensure we’re working as efficiently and effectively as possible – adding value at every link of the chain.


Our process has evolved just as our business and our customer partnerships have. But our philosophy has always remained true: speed, responsiveness and agility. Customers often rely on us to deliver within exceptionally tight timeframes, with wheel solutions that adhere to the highest levels of quality, reliability and safety. To do this, every one of us pulls together to get the job done – combining engineering expertise, problem-solving innovation, efficient process automation and close supplier relationships to deliver on time, in full, every time.